Tuesday, 18 February, 2025

Greg's blog ... When the crowd is always wrong

Economy, Finance, Trading, Markets, Stocks, Crypto


Category: Blog

Cycle ending when SPX/GOLD starts consolidation process

If you follow me long enough, you probably got my idea that 2018 is when cycle came to an end. Cycle end of course doesn’t mean stock market going bustsm but stock market going bust once SPX/GOLD formation got broken. Read more…

Gold is approaching to a massive 50Y momentum break. Can we predict the price of gold based on technical charts? We’ll try.

Once again I’d like to remind you a main thesis that gold plays the game when big cycles are about to change. Gold plays the same main role when cycle flips from secular inflation to secular disinflation (through secular stagflation) Read more…

$$$ breaking, rest of the currencies are tanking. Yuan on the watch

I must admit MMT was never on my bingo card. Post 2020 crash, I was expecting some kind of dead-cat bounce, some retests to take everything down, but suddenly MMT came in and changed the whole view also taking yield-curve Read more…

What’s going to happen with this inflationary spike? Spike or not spike?

Post 2020 our economy has received enormous amount of weird monetary tools, mostly because regular QE wasn’t enough to put us out from economic depression that time. So flood of direct stimulus checks, more QE, BTFP later and probably way Read more…

Geopolitical US-Russia clash

Since years we are blaming Americans for bombing, striking innocent nations, often saying that the business of the USA is war. You have to live in another world or be a total economical and geopolitical ignorant if you really have Read more…

10 myths I see and I fight against them

This topic will be quite short, as I want to say based on my experience where most of the fin-twits made mistakes based on my experience. People who are following me for more that 6-12Ms should really understand what I’m Read more…

Did we overextend the economical bounce? Technicalities of March 2020 bottom and what does it mean?

Before we’ll start to get some analysis we definitely need to setup some key points which I’m sticking for years to understand later charts and discussions : First of all I don’t want to say the same things I told Read more…

We are entering in the third junction – 1Q21 – sitrep report

This market had already one possibility for a total reversal, that was about June 2020. I was writing about that in the previous report, but intervention has arrived, Central Banks scared of problems started buying everything and things above everything Read more…

Inflation in stagflation and inflation in deflation. Same term and two different meanings.

The more we’re approaching to panic the more we have fight about interpretation of inflation. Despite the fact I wrote about that in my previous article here : I think there is a need to clarify differences. I encourage to Read more…

Why I view this cycle as deflationary, not inflationary.

There are plenty of discussions about which type of bust is approaching, so far we had 10Ys of money printing aka QE, but inflation is barely up, except asset inflation what is typical in deflationary environment especially when bond prices Read more…